I wanted to share with you some pictures of my youngest child a few years ago taken at his Christmas program. Garrett was in preschool. We went to Cracker Barrel afterwards. That is his favorite place to eat! I took this one of him in one of their rocking chairs out front on the porch. I think that he loves going there so much because of the warm feeling that you get there. Especially during the holidays.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Making Memories
Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:34 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Christmas at Papaw's...2001
Sweet little Garrett at Papaw's house (my daddy) for Christmas 2001. This was his first Christmas. He was 7 months old.

Tomorrow is the first day of Fall and I am so glad! This is my favorite time of year! Christmas will be here before we know it! I've already gotten most of my shopping done. Starting in November, I will post more on this blog.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 3:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
A Christmas long ago...
I found this photo of my mom and my little sister and my baby daughter. It was Christmas morning and Christy still had on her little flannel night gown. She was almost a year old. Her birthday is in January. My little sister was 10 years old. I made my mom a grandma at an early age. Now mama is a great grandma. My daughter Christy had her first baby and he is 1 year old. I love looking back at these old pictures.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:50 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Christmas Pageant
I was going through some old photos and ran across these that were taken years ago. Christy was 13 I think and Cole was around 5 years old. Christy was in a pageant that night at her school. It was a Christmas pageant. She didn't want to enter it after I told her that I didn't have the extra money to buy a new pageant dress. I had gotten her this one at a thrift shop. I told her to wear it and the judges would love it. She placed third. She couldn't believe it. I wonder if she still has this dress somewhere!?

I love finding these old pictures. They bring back so many memories.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 6:52 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cole and Santa
I haven't posted on my Christmas blog in 5 weeks. I try to post at least once a month on here. Can you believe that we are half way through the year! Six more months 'til Christmas! I wanted to share this picture of Cole with Santa when he was around 3 years old. He was not a happy camper! Look at that face! The only way that I could get him to sit in Santa's lap was to let him hold my pen. As soon as the picture was taken, he wanted out of his lap! Cole will be 18 years old next month.
Has anyone done any Christmas shopping yet? I always try to start right after Christmas! Last year I was finished by September. It felt so good too! Because I work in retail, I have to work extra long hours during the holidays. When I get off everyday, I'm usually too tired to do much of anything. Last year it really helped me to have it all done early. I was able to enjoy the holidays more. I've gotten a good bit done so far. Today is my day off and my son Garrett and I are spending the whole day together. I'm taking him to the movies and out to eat. We really want to see the movie "UP". I hope that it is playing. Then after that, we are going to a couple of thrift shops. He loves to do that. He usually finds something that he just HAS to have! LOL He is a lot like his mama.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 5:10 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Garrett's 1st Christmas morning
Look at my sweet little Garrett on his first Christmas morning. He was so excited. I love this big smile that he has! I remember having to 'stuff' him in his Christmas p.j.s because they were almost too little for him. His little cheeks have been kissed so much in his 8 years! I hope that he never gets tired of it. LOL If he is anything like his brother Cole, he will always love it.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Garrett and his MaMaw Judy
This is my mom and Garrett on his first Christmas. (2001) I love this picture of them. It was Christmas night and we went to her house to eat Christmas supper. Mom makes the best turkey and dressing and giblet gravy! She had cooked all day long and was glad when we finally got there. She lives in Louisiana. Doesn't she look so pretty here? Garrett looked so sweet in his little Christmas outfit. He was 7 months old here.
Posted by A Southern Rose at 5:57 AM 1 comments